Low-Friction Chrome

This process follows the industry standard specification AMS2460.

Chrome achieves a true build up of .0001”-.0003”.  Caution must be made in cases of ID holes, slots, recesses and corners.  Reach out to your Danco Medical trusted source for questions.

Examples of Low Friction Chrome finishing from Danco Medical. Shows Bead Blast, Polish Grit Blast, Electropolish, and Satin Finish.

Low-Friction Chrome Advantages

  • Reduces friction on mating parts
  • Improves corrosion resistance
  • Reduces spotting, rusting, peeling, and other
    degradation caused by multiple autoclave
  • Increased Rockwell (80+Rc) reduces wear
    on cutting edges
  • Biocompatible – ISO 10993/USP Class VI
  • AMS 2460 / Danco DPS 2100